What are Contact Lenses?

Contact lenses are thin curved lenses placed directly on the surface of your eye and help correct refractive errors. This is an alternative for wearing eyeglasses and can also be worn for cosmetic purposes. Contact lenses are medical devices regulated by the FDA and with this, all lenses require a prescription.
Contact lens exams are required for a doctor to assess the correct size and type of lens that best fits you.
Refractive errors that can be improved through contacts are:
- Astigmatism
- Myopia (Nearsightedness)
- Hyperopia (Farsightedness)
- Presbyopia
What are the types of Contact Lenses?
The appropriate type of lens is determined by the doctor after a series of tests.
Soft Contact Lens
These are the most common contact lenses worn by many people. These are comfortable soft lenses that are easy to adapt to. Below are different types of soft contact lenses:
- Daily-wear lenses
These are lenses that are worn during the day and removed and cleaned at night. They are usually good to be used for one week and replaced, others can be good for use up to two weeks or even a month before they need to be replaced.
- Extended-wear lenses
These are lenses that can be worn during the day and night or overnight. They can be worn up to 30 consecutive days. However, this type of lens can carry a higher risk of eye infection or damage due to the lenses not being cleaned routinely. Doctors still recommend removing them every day to be cleaned.
Hard Contact Lenses
Today, the hard contact lenses are rigid gas-permeable (RGP) contacts. These are made from a sturdy plastic material, most often silicone. RGP are more durable as compared to soft contact lenses. They hold a firm shape and allow oxygen to flow through the lens which makes it breathable.
This type of contact lens provides clear vision for people with vision problems. RGP are helpful for people with astigmatism and keratoconus.
Book an appointment with Dr. Wylie Tan at (905) 563-5333 or email at info@youreyesareworthit.ca and get the right contact lenses for you.